About me.
With more than 24 years in the field of welding, and after working as head of engineering and design in most robotic and manual welding applications MIG / MAG, TIG, MMA want to convey some of that knowledge in this blog.
My career began after the race engineering drawings making small parts for welding equipment MIG, MAG and TIG, soon the world of welding began to fascinate me and I began to develop own products of all ranges of hand torches.
After I decided to expand my knowledge of welding and got the title of INTERNATIONAL WELDING ENGINEER, this gave me a better understanding for the development of solutions and welding products.
18 years ago started the development of welding torches for robotic systems that are integrated in companies like Yaskawa, VOLKSWAGEN, GESTAMP, EIFFAGE, etc.

Welding engineering.
Robotic welding applications.
Application Design MIG / MAG-TIG.
R & D product for MIG / MAG, TIG.
Development of robotic welding torches.
Development of tools and peripherals for welding.
Long experience in buying and selling-making with Asian countries, welding products.
Experience in international fairs welding.
Programming, integration in robot welding cells.